Network Form Management

Relevant for organisations that have a network of Communities on Playwaze.

If you are an organisation that has a collection of communities set up inside a network below is some more information about the Forms managements page in your network.

Network Form

If you create a form for your network, any participants that join will need to complete this information. This will show above any other data being collected in community, team, and template forms.

This should be data that you need to collect from all participants as this will be shown at every point of entry to your network (community join, team entry, activity/challenge join, and so on).

Team Form

Team forms can be used at the point at which a participant is entering any of your Teams. You can add general data collection for all Team forms here and then include any specific eligibility in your team categories.

Community Form

If you would like to collect members' data at the point they join your communities you’ll need to create a Community form, each community will have their own form. These will appear when a user joins that community for the first time and will always be requested ahead of any template forms if the data has not been completed. You can view all and manage all of the community forms from your network forms management page.

Template Forms

These forms can be shared across all communities in your network, you can propagate them to sub communities allowing a community to use it as a default form or copy it as a template to then customise with their own properties.

Network memberships that have forms associated will also appear here.

All template forms can be edited, you can view where it's being used, view the rule summary,  and preview from the network forms management page.

Default Form

You can select one Template Form as a default for your network, this form will be pre-selected in any communities that are using features that link to forms.

Each form has a level of hierarchy within your network, meaning that on specific joining actions different forms may appear depending on the level of entry.

For example:

    If a participant joins an activity (challenge, session, league) in a community that has a network + community + template form set, at the point of entering the activity the participant will have to complete all 3 forms which will be combined and look like the below:

    If a participant joins a community that has a network + community form set at the point of joining the community both the network + community forms will appear:

    If a participant joins your network only the network form will appear:


    Creating properties and propagation management

    Network properties propagate down but can only be managed at network