Playwaze Booking Analytics

Uncover meaningful data insights with Playwaze analytics, but what are we really showing you?

What do we record?

Booking actions, are recorded when members;

  • Make a booking
  • Cancels a booking
  • Marked attended in a register



Booking and attendance - number of members who have booked and cancelled


Bookings and attendance (segmented) - the number of members that booked, attended and cancelled


Booking and attendance (unique) - the number of members booked or attended, one count per member.


Unique Charts

Actions - The bold number shows the total number of actions, the smaller number shows the number of unique users that have booked, attended, or cancelled.


Bookings and attendance (by age) - the number of bookings, attendances and cancellations of members.


Most popular activities - the activities by name with the highest bookings and attendances in your community shown with a percentage against the total bookings and attendances.


Bookings and attendance (by sport/activity) - the number of bookings and attendances for each activity type.


We know that analytic data can be very powerful, if you have any questions we haven't answered please reach out to and we'll be happy to help. 📧